Title: The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence
Author(s): Ray Kurzweil (Author)
Publisher: Viking Adult
Year: 1990;1999
Pages: 289
ISBN: 9780670882175; 0670882178
Language: English
In his provocative new book The Age of Spiritual Machines, Ray Kurzweil, who Forbes Magazine calls “the ultimate thinking machine,” takes readers on an breathtaking tour of the history of computation and artificial intelligence and makes startling predictions for the future of technology, such as: * 2010: A translating telephone will allow you to speak in any language and be heard in the listener’s native tongue, in real time, in your own voice. * 2020: a $1000 computer will match the processing speed of the human brain — about 20 billion calculations per second. * 2030: Most humans will have neural implants to improve their vision, hearing, memory, and thinking skills. It will become increasingly difficult for people without implants to function in human society. The Age of Spiritual Machines is a prophetic blueprint for the future. Kurzweil begins by asking a critical question for understanding the twenty-first century: Can humans create another intelligence more intelligent than ourselves?
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