Title: Hyper Focus
Author(s): Chris Bailey
Publisher: GENRIC; Classic Edition (1 January 2021)
Year: 2021 1 January 2021
‘The most productive man you’d ever hope to meet’ – TEDHyperfocus by Chris Bailey is a practical guide to managing your attention – the most powerful resource you have to become more creative, get stuff done, and live a more meaningful life.In Hyperfocus, you will learn:- How working fewer hours can increase our productivity- How we get more done by making our work harder, not easier- How we do our best creative work when we’re the most tiredOur attention has never been as overwhelmed as it is today and we’ve never been so busy while accomplishing so little.In Hyperfocus, Chris Bailey provides profound insights into how we can best manage our attention. He reveals how the brain switches between two mental modes – hyperfocus, our deep concentration mode, and scatterfocus, our creative, reflective mode – and how the surest path to being our most creative and efficient selves at work is to combine them both.’The best productivity plans call for strategy, not just hacks or tactics – and Hyperfocus gives you strategy in spades. When you read this book, get ready to do your most important work!’ – Chris Guillebeau, author of Side Hustle.
About the Author
Chris Bailey is a productivity expert, and the bestselling author of two books about productivity: Hyperfocus, and The Productivity Project. Chris writes about productivity at, and speaks to organizations around the globe on how they can become more productive, without hating the process.
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